Confessions Of A Personal Finance Blogger

I have been trying to find out more about making money on the internet as a result of a little google ad that popped up next to one of my articles.

Since then, I have been sucked into the world of internet marketing and while I've learnt a lot, I can't say I've really enjoyed myself. I like writing for the sake of writing and to have to keep adjusting my point of view to slant it a little towards a product I was trying to promote just took the fun out of the writing.

Not to mention having to think about these important things called keywords so google would find me. It drove me nuts trying to remember to mention a keyword, and not make the whole article sound like I was trying to mention the keyword.

But I ramble on. Actually, what happened was, I tried to create a blog on personal finance. I figured that maybe if my content was about money, maybe people would put all sorts of nice google ads about money on the site, and I could promote the internet products helping people to get rich.

I have since realised my flawed logic.

1. Money is an interesting topic. Personal finance is not. I was half-way through my blog when I learnt about this thing called doing keyword research and the number of people who actually search for blogs under personal finance are a tiny fraction of people who search for money blogs, of which there must be millions of them, mostly trying to sell something or other.

2. I don't believe in the stuff I was supposed to be selling. I don't believe in get rich quick schemes. But try advertising a product that tells people they can get rich slowly but surely, and in the most boring way, by saving, researching, investing etc and see how many clicks you get !

3. I changed my name of the blog from Why Money Matters - A blog on Personal Finance to Grow Rich Along With Me - The Best Is Yet To Be, and google found me ! Under "get rich blog", google has decided I can come on its first page. Of course, once people come and visit and find out it isn't something quick, they leave soon after. Oh well.

4. I failed a number of blogs created for the purpose of trying to make money. Actually, el cheapo me used blogger for most of them so google reviewed me and almost took one of my blogs off. Paid for another one but have since returned that !

5. My lack of savvy as a marketer became clear when I tried to sell Think And Grow Rich by Napolean Hill through, only to find after a few posts on it, someone else was advertising to give away a free version in the google ads next to my advertisement to sell the book !

Oh well. Have since become addicted to flooding cyberspace with blogs just for the fun of seeing them published. Have also littered the same cyberspace with articles meant to help promote my blog, but have found people read the articles, but don't visit the blog ! Have also started a new blog on my internet marketing experience, separate from my personal finance blog, which is slowly gaining some regular readership.

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